Sunday 28 March 2010

Bellingham & Smith Limited Edition

As a bat lover, it's one of my ambitions to try the best bats from around the world - in addition to some rubbish ones while I'm trying to find the best. Bellingham and Smith (B&S) are a leading South African brand; they're supposedly the best SA batmakers. They make bats for many of the SA team which are then stickered up since the bigger brands can afford to pay more in sponsorship fees. I managed to get my hands on a second hand one which had recently been refurbished, and have not been disappointed. The bat I have weighs 2lb 9oz and has between 8-10 straight grains. Having used it, I would have to say it is second only to a Newbery Uzi SPS and a second hand pro's GN that I used for a match. For such a top quality bat it is great value for money especially if you're located in SA.

RRP - £180

Ping - 9/10
Durability - 10/10
Pick Up - 8/10
Overall - 9/10
Do you own/ have you owned one? If so please comment below on your experience with it.